sane wedding planning

wedding related ramblings revolving around sanity and practicality, with a little bit of geekery and crazy just for fun!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Celebrating marriage equality with APW

One of my favorite blogs,, is hosting a huge party this Thursday in New York to celebrate the legalization of same sex marriage. They are putting on two legal weddings, followed by a most awesome reception. You can read more about the couples who are getting hitched here. It is also a fundraiser for Lambda Legal, which is a great organization fighting for civil right in the LGBTQ community. You can donate here, it would be greatly appreciated.

Those of us reading around the country wanted to get in on the fun, so we decided to throw some regional parties to kick off the festivities. The Seattle area gathering was yesterday.

We met at Rosebud down on Capitol Hill (thanks to my friend Status for the recommendation). It was a small group, just five of us. We had some fun getting to know each other, talking weddings and APW, trying new drinks (um, pomegranate martini. Yum.) and eating the rainbow cupcakes provided by my friend Sarah from The Chic Cupcake.

It was a relaxing few hours, making some new friends, kicking back a few drinks and spreading the cupcake love around the restaurant. The staff and other patrons got a kick out of the cupcakes, we probably sent a dozen home with the staff, a half dozen or so to customers, and we won't mention how many the five of us went through. Rainbow cupcakes rule. Clearly.

Thanks to Jane, Liz, Hannah and Becky for spending a Saturday night with me APW style (and thanks to Jane for taking pictures).

Looking ahead to the party to come, I wish Leanne & Anne, Cory & Aaron a very happy LEGAL wedding day this Thursday, and hope the party freakin rocks! My friends over at APW are working hard to make it one hell of a day and I can't wait to see the pictures!

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