sane wedding planning

wedding related ramblings revolving around sanity and practicality, with a little bit of geekery and crazy just for fun!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

To frame or not to frame?

I am doing a wedding show this weekend with some awesome vendors at a beautiful venue. The theme we've chosen for our "reception" is English Country Garden, and it's going to be beautiful and classy and full of some awesome, vintage, antique furniture. It's not particularly my style, but it will be elegant and I'm excited to see it all come together.

So. I am struggling with one particular piece of my table display. I have my marketing materials done, my "sign up and win this awesome prize" put together. I have a rough idea of how to put it all together on the beautiful dresser that I get to use (I am seriously in love with this piece!!). But I really, really want to incorporate a little bit of funkiness to my space.

I do, after all, have blue hair these days.

I really feel that this picture totally breaks down the barriers and fits me to a T.

I want to put it in a little 4x6 frame on my table. But, though I can - and often do - swear like a sailor, I'm just not sure this is the right environment for it.

What do you think? Is it okay to swear while trying to attract clients? I can blur the offending word out, but I think the implication is still the same so it might not matter. I just go back and forth. I need some advice.



  1. I am possibly not the best person to ask about this, but my main complaint with that would be the font -- something more elegant and scripty would be nice. (Yes, you can make me find one for you.)

    Instead of blurring, maybe just "everyone chill out, I got this"?

    1. Unfortunately, this is how I found the picture. So any editing would have to be totally recreating. Feel free, in your free time, to come up with something. I need it by Sunday morning :).

    2. I'm avoiding copywriting. Two versions should be landing in your inbox about now.

  2. If I were a bride at the show, I would probably be endeared to you if I saw this. But that's because I swear like a sailor too, and it makes me nervous that every time I let out an f-bomb around my vendors, they look at me like I'm a bridezilla about to explode. (Which, usually, I'm just joking around. No one gets my jokes.) But there are those who may not be so endeared to this ... My opinion? Go for it. This is part of you individually, and therefore part of your brand. But just be aware that it's risky.

    1. And thus is my struggle. It's hard to get bookings from these shows anyway, I feel like this will possibly offend some, but then make others jump up and down and remember me when they need a planner ... and those that jump up and down are probably more my target. But I hate to offend. Eek.

  3. so what did you end up deciding?

    1. Well, I kinda chickened out. I was fully prepared to do the swearing version, but once the venue was set up all pretty and formal, it just didn't feel right to use that one. The DJ at the event totally called me on it, she was rooting for the first version too. I'll post pics of the the site set up in the next week or so.
